Knowledge is Power
The more you know the better There is a lot of truth in the idiom, “ Knowledge is power .” Knowledge truly empowers us. Knowledge helps us make informed decisions. Knowledge is not necessarily gleaned from books in a classroom. It could come from experience, sometimes it can come from just watching other people’s lives. see examples of this idiom everywhere. Whether at work or play it helps to know everything about ones boss and one’s opponent. Take cricket for example, it helps the bowler to know Sachin Tendulkar’s weaknesses. If he knows his weaknesses he will be able to capitalize on them. At work it pays to know about ones product. If you know your product only then you can sell it. Yes, no sale can happen without knowledge. The history of our civilization has proven that many wars have been won not on the might of the sword but on the might of knowledge. It is knowledge that makes a father stop his son from trying to empty the sea into his little sand castle moat. L...